Digital Roadmap

With limited resources and so much potential work we have to prioritise. What follows is the roadmap we have identified for digital moving forward.

Digital offers WAM so much potential and inaction presents many threats. Yet we only have limited budget and people to bring about change. This means we have to prioritise.

We do this based on our digital objectives, guiding principles and the needs of users. Yet we are aware some of the choices we have made may not be perfect. That is why we value other opinions from across the organisation about what we should be focusing on.

If you have an opinion about the priorities laid out below please get in touch. If you feel that the priority is wrong or if you feel we have missed out some key work package we need to know.

Finally, please check back here often. We will be updating this page to show progress and to redefine the pipeline as things progress.


Make collection datasets accessible to the public

Collections datasets greater than 5,000 objects will be migrated to the CMIS, and made available to the public via the Museum API service (where limited restrictions do not apply).


Develop digital capability throughout the WA Museum

All departments will ensure that they have the right levels of digital capability in-house, including specialist skills. WA Museum Executive will support improved digital capability across departments.


Redesign WA Museum processes to meet a new Digital by Default Service Standard

All departments will undertake end-to-end service redesign of all processes with over 1,000 transactions each year. All new or redesigned processes going live after April 2016 will meet a new Digital by Default Service Standard.

There are 5 departments within the WA Museum these are:

  • New Museum Project (Trish Mcdonald)

  • Organisational Development (Eric Isailovic)

  • Collections And Research (Diana Jones)

  • Fremantle Museums And Business Development (Jason Fair)

  • Finance (Ravi Proheea)

Each of these departments will agree 3 significant exemplar service transformations with Digital Services Leader. These will be identified and developed  collaboratively and documented, alongside delivery plans. Departments will start to redesign these exemplar services in July 2018 and will implement them by June  2019.


Increase the number of people who use digital services

WA Museum will raise awareness of their digital services so more people know about and use them, and look at ways to use incentives to encourage digital adoption.


Provide consistent services for people who have rarely or never been online

It is important we do not leave anyone behind in this move to a digital by default approach. WA Museum will recognise and understand the needs of people who can’t use digital services. We will provide appropriate support for these people to use digital services and other ways to access services for people who need them.


Build common technology platforms for digital by default services

Digital Services team will lead in the definition and delivery of a new suite of common technology platforms, to underpin the new generation of digital by default services.


Base service decisions on accurate and timely management information

Departments will supply a consistent set of management information, as defined by Digital Services team, for their processes and data services.


Collaborate with partner agencies and DLGSC to deliver digital services

Digital Services team will share and collaborate with partner agencies, Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries teams to develop cross-organisation digital projects and programmes.

This strategy is just the beginning. We recognise that the changes required will be far from easy. Our existing processes and ways of working can get in the way, and many will need to change.

In August 2018, each department will publish their own 3 significant exemplar service transformations explaining what actions they will take to contribute to this strategy. These actions provide a framework for continuing improvements in their services.

Digital Service team will operate an annual review process to track departments’ progress against the actions in this strategy.