Our Strategy


The Western Australian Museum’s mission is to, “Inspire people to explore and share their identity, culture, environment and sense of place, and contribute to the diversity and creativity of our world”.

In carrying out this mission, the Museum has begun a process of incorporating digital technology throughout its work. The technology we integrate is representative of the way Western Australians already use digital in their everyday life. This provides the public with greater access to research, programs, and collections.


We aim to provide a digitally empowered customer experience


Empowered a platform individuals can use to explore, share, contribute, collaborate and Rethink their World.

Customer experience 'CX’ the interaction between the Museum and the individual for the duration of the engagement.



From 2017 to 2020 we will continue to focus our digital activity on areas that open this access for our audiences while contributing to the digital development of the New Museum Project.


This will be carried out through the following areas.


  • Improve the visitor experience by considering the entirety of the interaction.

  • A visitor's first encounter with the Museum often begins prior to arriving at the physical location, and ends after they have left.

  • Create functional digital services that acknowledges audience needs and expectations.

  • Develop a strategic, multi-layered approach to interpretation. This will be done to recognise different audience contexts including learning styles and interests.

  • Make the best use of digital media to enhance displays and exhibitions where appropriate.


Establish a digital culture within the organisation to maximise the potential for digital inclusion in all activities. This would mean work:

  • Is created to be “digital by default”. A process which will be aided by having a Create Once Publish Everywhere (COPE) strategy.

  • Is audience focused and responsive to their needs.

  • Insight driven through the use of analytics and iteration.

By investing in this culture, the Museum can become digital leaders within the community, build organisation-wide capabilities, and deliver innovative and relevant projects.


  • To align with its mission, the Museum must make its collections available to the public. The most suitable solution is a process of digitisation.

  • Provide greater public access to the Museum's collections through digital investment.

  • Adopt a “published by default” policy to all collection items, with the option to unpublish through curatorial and digital assessment.

  • Invite audiences to contribute to this work through online discussion.

Narrative Content

Use a narrative-based framework to share stories to allow our audiences to Rethink Their World.

Rethink Your World

The Museum's growing identity is encompassed by the message Rethink Your World. Every story, object, and experience within the Museum is relevant to WA, and Museum audiences know this. This thinking therefore needs to be applied to Rethink Your World.

We are not asking people to change their entire perspective of the world, we are asking them to reconsider the role of Western Australia and what it means to be Western Australian.*

This is applied to content creation by using the framework, “Why is this [object/story/event] important to [being Western Australian/the story of Western Australia]?”

While not every link is groundbreaking, value is added to the visitor by revealing and highlighting it.

*This includes social discourse, values, beliefs, traditions, and current public dialogue.


Reviewing systems and processes to streamline digital activity.

  • Move from a series of bespoke and specific solutions, to a series of strategically created platforms.

  • Build sustainable and scalable technical infrastructure.

  • Create strategic systems that can be used as a foundation to support future initiatives.